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You can now make a one-off or recurring donation online. You will be redirected to the MyGivingHub website.
Donate Online
Please consider setting up a standing order. This is a safe and secure method of making a regular donation and it will greatly help the parish. You can set up a standing order directly with your bank or buidling society, and control the amount, frequency and duration of your regular donation.
Details for the standing order
Account Name: TSDT St Augustines
Account Number: 70204714
Sort Code: 20-55-34
Gift Aid is a scheme used by charities and donors to reclaim tax on charitable giving. It means that, as long as you have paid enough income tax, the Diocese can reclaim tax for your parish on all your donations.
Multiple Donations Gift Aid Form Single Donation Gift Aid Form
Copyright © St Augustine's Parish (Diocese of Salford) 2023.